Making Some Time for YOU.In continuing with the theme of my last few newsletters, I wanted to talk about Self-Care. This is a topic that many people do not engage in, and one that EVERYONE would benefit from engaging in. Self-Care can take on many different forms, but it is completely individual to you and what you need. As Summer is winding down, I am sure that many of you feel exhausted from the busy schedule that these past few months brought. Many of you may still be continuing on with the busy schedule and are feeling completely worn down. So how do you engage in Self-Care to help yourself recharge? For some, it is a massage, a facial, or a vacation. Although, Self-Care does not have to be extravagant and actually should take on a small form that can be executed each day. We need to be able to take care of ourselves, in order to best be able to take care of others. We tend to put others first and find ourselves feeling totally and completely burnt out. We have all heard the phrase {Put on your own oxygen mask, before you help someone else put on theirs}. There is definitely a reason for this. If we fail to put our own mask on and pass out from the lack of oxygen while helping someone else, then we were no help to either of us. The same goes for being a Mother, Father, Friend, Child, Sibling, Etc. We cannot be the best that we can in a relationship, if we first do not care for ourselves. Our society has given us this idea that if we care for ourselves, then we are being selfish. However, just the opposite is true. We can only be our best if we care for ourselves. So how do you set this into motion? Well, I will give you a list of some common Self-Care Techniques that are used by many, but I would love for you to cater these to yourself. Play around with some of them and see which ones fills you up the most and helps you feel recharged. If none of these work for you, find something else that works.
Some Apps that I have found to be very helpful in encouraging Self-Care are:
EMDRHave you experienced Trauma and are looking for some resolution? Contact me to see if EMDR would be a good fit for you. Maybe it isn't you that has experienced Trauma and you know someone. Refer them to me and receive the bonus! Give FeedbackWould you be willing to give me some feedback? I am always striving to be a better Therapist. The feedback would be completely anonymous, as I want you to feel that you can be as honest as possible. Quote"I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival."
- Audre Lorde
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Nurtured Hearts Counseling's BlogBrittany WingfieldI am a Licensed Therapist in Lone Tree, Colorado and my goal for this blog is to explore taboo subjects that no one is willing to talk about and I am eager to bring awareness to. Facebook Feed |