“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Trauma is not something that people can see. Trauma is something that only YOU feel and think about. To others, there may not be any obvious indications of your pain, but you know they are there and you live with them on an everyday basis. Trauma doesn't get to be determined by anyone but you. Past events can hold power in our life and affect us in ways that we could have never imagined. Do you find yourself living with any of these struggles?
What Will Therapy Do For Me?Our body doesn't know how to hold trauma, therefore, the trauma gets stuck and becomes stagnant, but we can still feel the effects of it. Trauma Therapy makes therapy a little less intimidating, as it is catered more to you. It allows you to determine what you want your process to look like and at what pace. Trauma Therapy doesn't force you to re-experience the memories, as this can be re-traumatizing and make you feel as if you are back in the moment that the event(s) happened. This is not going to provide for a safe environment for you. Therefore, Trauma therapy doesn't make you talk about the details, if they are not helpful for you. Trauma therapy gives you skills to reduce the impact that the side effects are having on your life. It brings you back into the present moment and allows you to feel safe again. Often, after experiencing a trauma, we can feel like we are stuck in the moment that the trauma occurred. Therefore, bringing you back into the moment can provide relief. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can be a great way to process the trauma in a way that does not feel as invasive. EMDR allows our brain to do the work and therefore does not force us to talk about the experiences, but rather work through them in a much less threatening way. It is similar to REM sleep, which occurs to process the stimuli that we take in each day.